Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Is Always Good

It was terrific seeing you guys last week. There are amazing things happening right now and your stories provide serious encouragement.

Some of you were asking about Stop the Silence and updates as to what they are doing. What a phenomenal organization! They brought the stage production of To Kill a Kelpie back to the U.S. in 2012. "Kelpie's" next stop was San Diego this fall for the 17th Annual Interpersonal Violence and Trauma Conference.

Check out their website for more information and thoughts on how to help

I'm enjoying new clients and learning a ton about ERP systems. Thank you Stan! I'm also spending a lot of time with beer and wine distributors learning more about their business. While Boardwalk Empire was a good start for education the modern day models are pretty cool.

I'm heading west again and then returning as the program at St Susanna gets started. The first Wednesday of the month is always good as Terry Grear and his group meet at lunch. I'll keep you guys posted.

Enjoy your choices! 

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